…...…….a record
I just love couples sessions. I really love seeing the LOVE, the intimacy, the life that has been made together. I really love taking photographs of couples that in way make me feel like I am intruding. They are on their own, even though I might be just a few inches away, its like I am not even there. There is something special about the connection that can be captured between two people that love each other regardless of the situation, and since the anticipation of taking photographs can be intimidating and stressful, particularly for most men, I especially like to change that opinion through the process.
These two are beautiful together. And that is all.
Family Love
Oh the love. There is nothing like that amazing fall Colorado light to add to the love of the Lazaro's. They are my fav.
Denver, I love your light.
~Colorado Friends~
I am opening up a limited number of fall mini sessions this year in the Denver/Boulder area to take advantage of the beautiful fall colors and that gorgeous Colorado light.
Aaaand to help you get all proactive getting those holiday cards out the door.
I currently have the following dates and times open:
Saturday, October 20th - 3:45 and 4:30 Saturday, October 27th - 4:00 and 4:45 Sunday, November 4th - 4:15
If you are interested, pm me or email me at info@kirafaris.com. These mini sessions will not be offered again until next fall.
RiNO {Denver, Colorado} Photo Walk
I recently had the opportunity to meet up with some fellow photogs from the area. We walked around the RiNo district in downtown Denver, which I must say, has drastically changed since the last time I was there. It has been at least 15 years. It did not look like this when I was 15 years younger, running around having fun. It's a new kind of fun now (and much more tame).
My favorite part of the photo walks are the behind the scenes shots of everyone else actually taking photos. And of course, photographing my own kid, which I don't get to do much these days. Here are some of my favorites.
Little Bird
I just can't stand the cuteness. It was obvious that we were nearing the end of our session when she looked straight at me and said "ok, no mo pictos today".
Sunflower Fields Forever
A few things:
👆🏼I love Colorado sunsets
✌🏼I love sunflower fields
🤟🏼 My kid doesn't care about either
Take the Phots.
Even when you have a kiddo in high school, or college for that matter. Take the time, print them out, slap them on the wall. You're welcome for this Public Service Announcement.
This is 9, y'all.
Where has the time gone? Pretty soon, very soon, I will not be allowed to take these annual photos. I will take what I can get now, I suppose.
Oregon Coast Love
There is something about the beach that turns kids in to little animals. They become wild and free. It is only then, that you can truly see just how much they can run, without stopping, and how much they can laugh when you try to catch them.
Rain or shine, the Oregon coast is pure perfection.
A Look Back to 2015
I am terrible at blogging. I admit it. I have a ton of sessions that I have yet to post. This last year has been a blur. My first grader started elementary school, I rounded off my junior year, did a little bit of traveling, and met some amazing people. As well as connected with some old friends that are always there, but just slightly out of reach, because.....well.....we are all pretty damn busy these days. I would like to say that this year I will get better at posting sessions and images that speak to me, but who knows.
Here is a look back at a couple of different sessions that I really love from 2015. There are many more, but..baby steps.