…...…….a record
The Lazaro's - A Denver Colorado Family Session
“Lets Meet In the Morning” we said. There really is nothing like meeting in the trees, next to several bodies of water, early in the morning, in the summer, in Colorado. We were eaten ALIVE by mosquitos. This was one of those, do we push on through moments. We pushed. Happy to say.

Ka & Max - Boulder Colorado Family Photography
I just love mama & babe sessions, even when the babe isn’t really a babe anymore. And these two are just the cutest - between the flower giving, the snuggles, and the sweet little kisses - MELT.MY.HEART. Also, can we talk about those flatirons. They made Boulder, Colorado look beautiful.

Jamie & Byrdie
What a dream. These beauties, those flatirons, and my dresses. After making these dresses (I’m a seamstress now y'all). I couldn't think of anyone better to model these than Jamie and Byrdie. I am in awe of how beautiful they turned out, and it was almost as though they were made just for her. I am still in the process of naming the dresses, but I am so excited to be providing these pieces to all of my clients to use, of any size.

Motherhood - Denver Colorado Family Photography
Nothing like a little get together to help fuel a little creativity. Bonus - a beautiful momma, unbelievably adorable babes, a gorgeous Colorado sunset, and those beauty Rocky Mountains. So perfect.

A Sale To End 2020. Level Up 2021
It’s that time of year again! This year has been….interesting. Whether it was a good, bad, or okayish year for you, I think we can all agree that it is time to say goodbye to 2020. I am ready to move on! You? SAME??!! Lets hope that 2021 brings new light, better days, and maybe a little bit of a break. We all need it, badly.
This year as a special send off to this shit show of 2020, I am offering a HUGE discount on my one and only digital collection for 2021. 50% to be exact. Thats $400 dollars in savings! This sale will be available only until 12/31/2020, and then we are moving on. I have restructured collections for 2021 to be a little more simple. Digital and Product Collections are available and ready for the taking. Take a look below and click on the investment button to see what they all include.
Ready to book? Click BOOK it!
Want to know what each collection includes?
Aaaaand for those last minute shoppers that need something extra special, I still have some of these beauties left, ready to ship out if you are in the Denver/Boulder area. I am offering gorgeous glass box packaging for gift cards that you can just sneak under the tree without having to wrap or fuss over. Hand delivered for $50 with your gift card purchase. For those that are good with digital gift cards, I have those available also at no extra cost.
Happy Holidays!
A Beautiful Motherhood Session - Cannon Beach (PNW Sessions)
Where to begin with these two. Since I have moved to Denver I have missed seeing these beautiful faces, but going back to Oregon, and specifically to the Oregon Coast to see them is like being home. We’ve all got the same jokes, and the same stories, and the same sense of humor, for the most part. I wish I could stuff them both in my suitcase and make them come back home to the mountains with me.
I just love seeing them together, and to see them grow throughout the years. They have always been my favorites.
The Sweetest - Cannon Beach Family Photography (PNW Sessions)
These were actual words I heard during our time together “Wow, they are getting along so well. They are actually having a good time together. We should do this more often.”
Sometimes I think it is so good for us to take time specifically to be together intentionally as a family. We are in this together. These guys were so present, and that is really all that matters.
All Boy. All Day. - Cannon Beach Family Session (PNW Sessions)
And I mean it. There’s nothing like two little dudes to ALWAYS keep you on your toes. They never stop. They never stop the playing, they never stop the running, the getting in to anything and jumping on everything. Its a weird thing for me, being a girl mom, but I sort of appreciate the chaos for what it is. Fun. And what a childhood to remember with the playing and the imagination, and also a little of the daredeviledness if that is even a word. These boys are perfect in this environment, on the coast, running down the beach, building dams, smashing them to bits. Bare feet and all.

A Foggy Motherhood Session - Cannon Beach, Oregon {Pacific Northwest Sessions}
There is nothing like a beautiful fall day on the Oregon Coast. Nothing like hanging with your people. Even if its just you and your person. Mom and boy. What a duo.

Colorado Wildfire Season - Mama and Me Sessions, with a little bit of Dad
The skies here in Denver have been a little wild lately. Its not great for breathing, or for allergies, but it sure does make for some amazing light. Mix that in with some lovely souls, and its gold all around. ❤️❤️❤️
An old friend.....A Las Vegas Family.
Sometimes people come in to your life for a reason. Other times, people STAY in your life for a reason. Its rare, long lasting friendships. People change, they grow, they go through their own experiences that others will never ever know about. It’s refreshing to have the people in your life that know about your history, inside and out, so that there really aren’t many secrets that you keep from one another. There is no judgement, there is no competition, there is no hiding. You can be completely yourself with one another, because they know you. They know your crazy family because they would spend months, day and night during the summers at your house, or vice versa. You would see the disfunction equally rampant, you would experience the parts that you were too young to understand, you would get in the same predicaments because you were always together, running amok in a small town with very little supervision. You have little inside jokes, little phrases, little reminders all of the time of what your friendship meant.
And now you can look back together, having your own children, and ask yourselves, how the efff did we survive and actually become the okay people that we are today? Now you can get together after a year, or years and start off exactly where you left off. That to me is just the perfect definition of a friendship. Where your friendship withstands hardships or changes or even absenteeism, but still can bounce right back and move on without hard feelings as a mutual thing.
Thats what this person is to me. She is my past, but she is also part of my present, and part of my future. My dear friend, and the extension of her, her imperfectly perfect family, that is also now a part of me and my mess of a family.
We are cake and pie and our families are the frosting and the fillings.

Hello 2020.
I don’t know about you, but I personally could not wait for 2019 to be over. We had so many highs and lows, with the lows always more potent and stinging. This year I’d like to settle more, to find peace, to do some more soul searching, do more traveling, and take more time for quiet reflection. I won’t share my resolutions because, well, that’s just not me, but I will say that I plan on giving myself more attention and more forgiveness this year. Happy New Year friends.