…...…….a record
Oregon Coast Love
There is something about the beach that turns kids in to little animals. They become wild and free. It is only then, that you can truly see just how much they can run, without stopping, and how much they can laugh when you try to catch them.
Rain or shine, the Oregon coast is pure perfection.
A Look Back to 2015
I am terrible at blogging. I admit it. I have a ton of sessions that I have yet to post. This last year has been a blur. My first grader started elementary school, I rounded off my junior year, did a little bit of traveling, and met some amazing people. As well as connected with some old friends that are always there, but just slightly out of reach, because.....well.....we are all pretty damn busy these days. I would like to say that this year I will get better at posting sessions and images that speak to me, but who knows.
Here is a look back at a couple of different sessions that I really love from 2015. There are many more, but..baby steps.